Trading the Markets: Shocking Underground Dirty Tricks and Weird Strange But Simple Tactics to Trading Millionaire ? Buy Now: Outsmart the Economy, ... Problems, Live Anywhere, Join the New Rich kindle baixar

Wow what a drag, have you felt at times, like spinning in the vicious circle of Forex. I mean you already went to all the schools and got the dreaded J.O.B... Isn't Forex trading, supposed to be something Easy...just a couple clicks and you are a millionaire...sitting on a beach in the Caribbean's, sipping on something that comes with a small umbrella on top. The wind is blowing in the sails of your yacht and you are charting and exploring new worlds. See, Forex trading, can do that and more for you. In Forex trading what you know, is as important as...who have you learned from. So, you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. You can't stand the people in the office and ....(yah, I am talking about the same guy that you thought about), for one more day. You will vomit, if you submit one more report, and go to one more meeting of the bureaucrats, that are closely watching every move that you make and have a choking grip, breathing in your neck. See, not too long ago I was in your shoes... struggling to make my boss happy and singing hooray with all the fake cheerleaders, in the company I worked for. Don't get me wrong, I made a decent salary and had the car payment, house payment and all of the other exciting payments. Forex trading, Forex systems, Forex strategies, you name it, anything that was remotely concerning Forex trading, I bought it. Yet I was struggling to make a dime. In a matter of fact I will tell you a secret, I was losing to my Forex broker(the previous was not a misspelling) every time I entered a trade. All of this continued until, the universe AKA GOD, finally gave me my break. I heard of a guy, in one of the Forex forums, for our purpose I will call him trader X. The guy was giving a sound advice, very simple, but effective..that guy was the reason I could get a grip of Forex, but I will tell you more later.. I started following the tips and some of my trades turned profitable. And then the unbelievable happened... The broker realized what was going on and closed the forum tread. I was devastated... After I finally started getting my break, my hopes of living the life of a Forex trader was shattered. Fortunately I had P.M.ed Mr. X previously, and had his email contact. See Mr. X, was not interested in tutoring me, in a matter of fact, he was living rather comfortably. Trading was more of a chore for someone making you wash dishes for example. His routine was consisting of trading 2 times a week only, golf, family and friends. So, he was defying all the "sound" advice of the brokers "Trade as often as you can, don't miss any opportunities." Finally, I was able to persuade Mr. X in giving me a couple lessons over the phone, and eventually we became close friends. Mr. X, was pooling close to 30k a month from Forex trading (I know that sound to good to be true, but he was not your average trader) In a matter of fact, he was not allowed with some of the smaller brokers, since they ultimately lost money with him. Now, what I am about to disclose to you in this book, are the closely guarded secrets of the pros. In a matter of fact I am sure some of my friends and traders will be mad at me and even write me some ugly letters. But I am tired of seeing good, honest folks like yourself, getting slaughtered, in the daily Forex broker guillotine. It is time to give back to others. I have made my pie of the Forex earnings, now it is your turn. I have made it easy for you. I wish I have found a book like that while back, when I was struggling to even break even on a trade. Trust me, read this book and skip the agony of looking for the golden grail, it doesn't exist. You are only of couple of mouse clicks from receiving the knowledge, that will open the Forex world to you. Take a click of faith... see you on the other side!
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Dura para sempre, não precisa cobrar, você apenas pega e lê Trading the Markets: Shocking Underground Dirty Tricks and Weird Strange But Simple Tactics to Trading Millionaire ? Buy Now: Outsmart the Economy, ... Problems, Live Anywhere, Join the New Rich. - Falando de inundações, este é o primeiro Kindle que é à prova d'água. - Em conclusão. Quer dizer, a Amazon fez um assistente virtual que entrou nas casas de todos antes que ele pudesse fazer um Kindle à prova d'água. Sim. Então você pode levá-lo para o banho, para a piscina ou até mesmo para o oceano, e não se preocupe se você o soltar. Se você jogar este livro no banho, ele será destruído. Isso não é verdade. Quero dizer, você terá que agitá-lo um pouco e deixá-lo secar, e provavelmente será um pouco enrugado, mas é legível. Isso é completamente normal. Tudo bem. “E este Kindle suporta o Audible, então você pode conectá-lo a fones de ouvido Bluetooth, e o seu Trading the Markets: Shocking Underground Dirty Tricks and Weird Strange But Simple Tactics to Trading Millionaire ? Buy Now: Outsmart the Economy, ... Problems, Live Anywhere, Join the New Rich livro será lido em voz alta. "Oh, apenas tome a pílula." Ouça, eu sei que as pessoas realmente gostam de seus Kindles, e elas são ótimas para algumas coisas, mas eu prefiro livros reais. Você sabe, eu gosto de páginas com orelhas de cachorro, e eu gosto quando você vê alguém lendo, e não apenas um aparelho de couro. No momento em que você está no trem, e você olha para o outro lado do corredor, e seus olhos se encontram no topo da página. - Você parece um anúncio craigslist chateado. - Bom, bom, olhe. As pessoas não coletam Kindles. Eles colecionam livros. Eles não compram casos Kindle, eles investem em estantes de livros. E quando terminar, posso compartilhar esses livros com todos os meus amigos, e isso é mais do que você pode fazer por causa do DRM. - Sim, mas as mesmas tecnologias modernas significam que tenho acesso a todos os mesmos livros que você, mas em questão de segundos, não de dias. Além disso, quando saio de férias, minha bolsa de mão é muito mais leve que a sua. - Eu não sou contra a entrega lenta. Quero dizer, com o Amazon Prime, geralmente são mais do que alguns dias, e eles vêm. - Espere, então você pede todos os seus livros da Amazon? Quero dizer, alguns deles. Muito, a maioria deles.
  • Trader X Autor:
  • 1530190975 Isbn 10:
  • 978-1530190973 Isbn 13:
  • Capa comum Páginas de capa mole:
  • Createspace Independent Publishing Platform Publisher:
  • 236 g Peso:
  • 236 g Peso:
  • 15,2 x 0,7 x 22,9 cm Dimensões e tamanhos:
  • Inglês Idioma:
  • 122 páginas Livro de capa mole Trading the Markets: Shocking Underground Dirty Tricks and Weird Strange But Simple Tactics to Trading Millionaire ? Buy Now: Outsmart the Economy, ... Problems, Live Anywhere, Join the New Rich:

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