Kevin Love: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Dominant Power Forwards (Basketball Biography Books) (English Edition) kindle baixar

Learn the Incredible Story of Cleveland Cavalier Kevin Love! Read on your PC, Mac, smartphone, tablet or Kindle device! In Kevin Love: The Inspiring Story of One of Basketball's Dominant Power Forwards, you'll read about the inspirational story of basketball's star, Kevin Love. Newly acquired from the Cleveland Cavaliers to join forces with LeBron James and Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love was all the trade chatter in the summer of 2014. After finally being acquired in return for Andrew Wiggins, Thaddeus Young, Anthony Bennett, and a $6.3 million trade exception, Kevin Love teamed up in Cleveland to create one of the most hyped trios in the Eastern Conference for this upcoming year. Yet despite this news, Kevin Love left a legacy in his six years in Minnesota. This book largely focuses on that legacy and how Kevin reached where he is today. If you're a Kevin Love fan, this is the book for you to learn the backstory of how Kevin made it into the league. Here is a preview of what is inside this book: Early Life and Childhood High School Years College Years at UCLA Kevin’s Personal Life Kevin Love’s Impact on Basketball and Beyond Love’s Legacy An excerpt from the book: There are few sports leagues today as grueling as the NBA. In basketball, the effect of a superstar is gigantic compared to other sports. In baseball, an elite hitter will get only about as many chances as his teammates, and his defense only matters if the ball is actually hit towards him. In football, while the impact of a quarterback might be comparable to a star, the fact that football players only play offense or defense limits their capabilities. Time and time again in NBA history, we have seen great superstars lead mediocre supporting casts to high regular season win totals and playoff success. Kobe Bryant won 45 games in 2006 with an incredibly weak Lakers supporting cast. Tim Duncan won a championship in 2003 even though his best playoff teammates were a David Robinson with one foot in the grave as well as various other players who were too young to reach their eventual potential. LeBron James dragged the 2007 Cavaliers to the NBA Finals. Unlike the other leagues, NBA stars have shown that they are fully capable of creating great results almost entirely by themselves. If this is true, then what are we to make of Kevin Love? The newest member of the Cleveland Cavaliers spent the first six years of his career as the star for the Minnesota Timberwolves. The Timberwolves never won more than 40 games during Love’s tenure. They routinely struggled during the close games where superstars are supposed to take over. They were never a top 10 defensive team, particularly concerning given that superstar big men can make a big difference on that end. It is true that Kevin Love put up absolutely staggering numbers, but how much impact did he create if the Wolves never made the playoffs? Is Love a superstar who was cursed to play with garbage in Minnesota and will now make Cleveland the most dangerous team in the league? Or is he an overrated player who looked out for his own numbers above the teams, never won anything in the NBA, and will not help the Cavaliers as much as people expect? Tags: Kevin Love, Ricky Rubio, Minnesota Timberwolves, UCLA Bruins, Bruins Basketball, Carmelo Anthony, LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, Anthony Bennett, Andrew Wiggins, Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson, Kevin Garnett
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