Isn't This Fun?: Investigating the experience everyone wants (English Edition) [eBook Kindle] baixar o livro de graça

Michael Foley wants to understand why he doesn't appear to be experiencing as much 'fun' as everyone else. So, with characteristic wit and humour, he sets out to understand what fun really means, examining its heritage, its cultural significance and the various activities we associate with fun. He investigates pursuits such as dancing, sex, holidays, sport, gaming, and comedy, and concludes that fun is not easy, simple and fixed, as many seem to believe, but elusive, complex and constantly changing. In fact, fun is a profoundly serious business, a range of new group rituals evolving in response to cultural developments, often motivated as much by spirituality as hedonism. Also, while fun is a modern phenomenon it turns out to have recreated many of the elements of early ritual. His findings will invigorate you with insights, make you laugh at life, and quite possibly help you to understand why the post-post-modern is actually the pre-pre-modern.
  • Michael Foley Autor:
  • B017I25F0M Isbn 10:
  • Simon & Schuster UK Publisher:
  • eBook Kindle Livro de capa dura Isn't This Fun?: Investigating the experience everyone wants (English Edition) [eBook Kindle]:
  • eBook Kindle Livro de capa dura Isn't This Fun?: Investigating the experience everyone wants (English Edition) [eBook Kindle]:

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